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- Innovative course format - developed by experts specifically for the workplace
- Teaching comprehensive and holistic stress management methods
- Live & exclusive for your employees in group course format
- Active participation in the course required
Why Stress Management Coaching?
Many companies have now gained experience with a variety of different formats on the topic of "mental health". Our own experience has shown that (online) seminars can only provide an impulse and pure relaxation courses do not convey the necessary know-how for the sustainable development of health skills. Apps, on the other hand, often fail because of the - from our point of view - necessary human-to-human interaction and an overwhelming range of features.
Based on this experience, we have developed a course format that is a balanced combination of knowledge transfer on the most important topics of mental health and parallel guided exercises We offer regular accompaniment with qualified experts, in which the central topics of "mental health" are presented in short course units and worked out together for a uniform basic understanding. In this way, we not only get participants to feel more relaxed and focused immediately after the course, but above all impart relevant knowledge, tips and strategies for self-help in dealing with various stressors in everyday life, thus helping employees to learn necessary stress management methods in the long term and thus build up health skills.
How does a course unit work?
At the beginning, the respective topic of the course unit is introduced and interesting facts, figures & data are presented to the participants. Against this background and with the help of clear examples and short exercises, the participants are made to reflect on their own challenges with the topic. Based on this, participants will be guided through exercises that are appropriate to the topic, and know-how will be imparted in order to develop strategies to master their own everyday challenges.
At the end of the course, participants have time to ask questions about the topic and get individual tips and recommendations from our coaches.